On Tuesday, Mother’s Milk Bank at Austin celebrated its future home with a “Sip and Slab” event, where guests sipped champagne and signed construction studs to commemorate the milestone. The new site is located at 5925 Dillard Circle and is currently under construction. The Milk Bank expects to officially move into the location in the spring of this year.
“This is one of the most significant milestones in our organization’s history,” said Kim Updegrove, executive director of Mothers’ Milk Bank at Austin. “We will double the number of babies we save and expand our research and service to the community.”
Once open, the 15,000 square-foot, state-of-the-art facility will allow the milk bank to upscale milk production and bring new life-saving milk products to neonatal care units enabling tiny babies to survive and thrive. With a larger home, the Milk Bank also plans to better serve as a community resource for educating and supporting families through their parental and breastfeeding challenges.
Congrats, Mothers’ Milk Bank, and thank you for letting the Buie & Co. team be a part of this exciting adventure!