Here at Buie & Co. we take our Myers Briggs personalities, well, personally. It’s the foundation of how we work (and play) as a company. We fully embrace team building and let’s be honest, some of the time, that involves having a cocktail (or two). That’s why when we saw the Austin360 article: “The Best Austin Bar to Every Myers Briggs Type”… we knew we had to partake.
This week, we’re kicking off Buie & Cocktails
Our very own Myers Briggs bar hop. Throughout this campaign, you’ll meet the faces of our beloved team and the cocktails that fuel our award-winning work.
With that, we hope you’ll raise a glass and join us tomorrow at our first stop: a festive favorite and the perfect way to wrap up the holidays. From our family to yours, cheers and happy new year!

Follow our bar hop on Facebook and Instagram, and join the conversation using the hashtags
#BuieAndCocktails #TeamSpirits #PopFizzThink
Meet our Executives: Ashley Kegley, Patti Hixon and Megan Lamont.

Embracing the values of honesty, dedication and dignity, these ESTJs are cherished by our clients for their clear advice and guidance, and they happily lead the way on difficult paths. Taking pride in bringing people together, they are our client and community leaders, best known for their attention to detail, creativity and organization. There’s not a project, party or problem they can’t tackle.
So how does someone who loves convention and order let loose? By celebrating Christmas a little early (or late). In everything but its explosion of Christmas decor, Lala’s is a very traditional dive bar. It has beer and well cocktails, but also eggnog and something called “Reindeer Water.” Raise a glass if this is the just-different-enough spice you’re looking for!

Meet our Defenders: Kate Stevenson & Sarah O’Brien ✨.

Like any true ISFJ, Kate and Sarah share the goal of putting excellent service and dedication above all else. Whether designing or pitching, ensuring teammates meet deadlines or helping coworkers keep organized and productive, these two can always be relied on for their kindness and ability to listen to concerns and find ways to resolve them.
The kicker? Don’t let that “I” fool you… Though introverted, ISFJs have outstanding people skills and robust social relationships. So what type of bar reflects the imaginative and quick-to-inspire nature of a Defender? Kitty Cohen’s, of course. It’s somewhere between the pink flamingo wallpaper, patio pool, sparkly cocktails, and dishes of lollipops that make these two feel at home. This Wes Anderson vibe has exactly the kind of hospitality our Defenders are looking for.

Meet our Protagonists: Alina Carnahan, Tori Thompson & Teri Kemnitz.

Forming around 2% of the population, ENFJs are natural-born leaders, full of passion and charisma – and these Protagonists fit the bill. These three are most fulfilled when they’re inspiring clients and coworkers to achieve and do good in the world. They’re intelligent and warm and take a great deal of joy guiding their team to work together to improve themselves and their community.
So where does the Protagonist go to unwind? The W Austin… but you’ll hardly catch them unwinding. Often thought of as the perfect politician, ENFJs love to take center stage and really work a room… And boy is the bar at The W a room (or several) to work. Their altruistic nature means they want what’s best for everyone, and the lounge’s proximity to a variety of downtown options for drink #2 means a happy crowd.

Meet our Entertainer: Jed Buie

…Though, you probably already have, because if anyone can make a meeting feel like a party, it’s the ESFP. No other personality type is as generous with their time and energy, and anyone who walks in our door knows this is true of Jed. While the Entertainer loves the spotlight, ours is observant and sensitive to others’ emotions. He is often the first to help his clients (and buddies) talk out a challenging problem and will happily provide support and practical advice.
So where can one go to… “entertain” the crowd? A bar called Buckshot, on none other than famous 6th Street. It doesn’t take much for the ESFP to have a good time – they enjoy the simpler things, so long as they’ve got a group of friends to bring along for the ride. This bar is a perfect match – a no frills spot with a dance floor and games… and not to mention endless drink varieties to get everyone on their feet.

Meet our Campaigners: Addie Burgess & Marie Kassi.

Independent and energetic, our clients can always count on these ENFPs for their ability to come up with original solutions. As innovators, they crave creativity and believe that everyone should take time to express themselves. These two love to explore new challenges and are fascinated by new ideas. They’re our go-tos when new subjects enter our shop.
After a long day of maximizing creative brain power, these go-getters know how to switch gears from their passionate, driven work-self, to their imaginative free spirit. So where do they go to take it easy? @RioRita is a laid back spot on Chicon that resembles your very own living room. It’s the perfect place to peel off for casual conversation and kick back with a cold one.

We’ve officially wrapped up our #BuieAndCocktails Bar Hop!

We had a lot of fun adventuring around Austin and [re]visiting classic spots, but by far, our favorite place to gather for a late-afternoon brain break is right here at Buie & Co., where we all feel at home 🏡; where we can drink topo and rose and shuck oysters on a Friday.

A big thanks to those of you who joined in on the fun. We’re grateful for teammates, clients and friends who get just as good a kick celebrating all personalities.

See you next time or stop by one afternoon soon for some porch-party fun. We’d love to celebrate, together, all the work that we’ve done.